How to save a tweetstorm to Craft Docs

Update: Or just use πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

I loved Andrew Barry’s tweetstorm on delivering student transformations at scale. I wanted to save it as a note in Craft and just learned how.

Step 1: Sign up to Readwise.

Readwise is an app that makes it easy to save and store tweets and other online content (such as Kindle highlights).

Step 2: Connect your Twitter account to Readwise here.

Step 3: Save a tweetstorm by replying to the tweet with @readwiseio save thread

Like this:

Step 4: Go to your Readwise Library > Tweets and click Export Highlights

This exports the tweetstorm as a markdown file.

Step 5: Create a new Page in Craft and paste the contents of the markdown file.

Done! Enjoy.

Note: The Craft team will likely add Readwise integration sometime in the future. Add your vote here.

Credits: The Best Way to Save Twitter Threads to Evernote, How do I save Tweets from Twitter to Readwise?