Day 8: Why customer success is priority #1 in my business
Reason 1: I don’t want to become a snake oil salesman.
Most businesses prioritize revenue and customer growth over everything else. They think they just need to get in front of more customers. They make a big promise, but then fail to deliver on it.
I don’t want to build this kind of business.
Reason 2: You become your customer’s dream come true.
Joining my program is the single best thing an expat in Germany can do to get their next job. I genuinely believe that.
This makes selling so much easier. Instead of trying to convince them to buy, I am helping make my customers’ dream come true.
Reason 3: Getting leads becomes much easier.
My goal is to iterate on the program until I am able to say this, “2 out of 3 expats in Germany who complete my program get a new job within 3 months.”
If that is my reality, how much easier is it to attract customers’ attention? Close sales? Get referrals?
But what if that isn’t my reality? Then I better get to work getting better reality.
As Harry Beckwith writes in Selling the Invisible:
The first principle of service marketing is Guy Kawasaki’s first principle of computer marketing: Get better reality.
The first step in service marketing is your service.