1 min read

Day 2: 3 Topics I Am Exploring In My Life Right Now

There are 3 topics I am actively thinking about a lot these days: 

Topic #1: Customer Success — What happens when you build a company that optimizes for customer success? 

I am interested in customer success because I believe the ability to reliably deliver on your customer promise makes everything else easier. 

It makes selling easier. It makes marketing easier. It even makes working easier. How would you feel if what you are building and selling actually makes your customers’ lives better? 

My hope is to build a company that makes a reasonable customer promise, and keeps it. Why this is not normal, I do not know. 

Topic #2: Group Coaching — Is Group Coaching the key to adult learning and development? 

Most people would be a lot happier, healthier, and more successful if we just do what we know we should. But we don’t. 

While 1 on 1 work with a coach would be most effective, it is also the most expensive. The cost is often prohibitive. 

With group coaching, we get to benefit from the coaching and group accountability, while sharing the cost with our group. Plus, we get to go on a journey with peers. 

Topic #3: Small Giants: Companies that Choose to be Great Instead of Big

This is the title of a book and it is fascinating to me. 

Building on topic #1, instead of chasing endless growth, how would it feel to be part of a company that focuses on being the best at what they do, creating a stimulating place to work, and providing “perfect” customer service? Would this kind of business be more aligned with a great life? 

It would be great to connect with other people who are interested in these same topics. If any of the above resonates, feel free to reach out!