2 min read

Day 17: 6 Biggest Job Search Problems Facing International People in Germany, and How to Overcome Them

I spend all my free time helping expats secure jobs in Germany.

I’ve boiled our problems down to the 6 biggest.

Here are the 6 problems, how to overcome them, and all in 2 minutes.

🇬🇧 Problem 1: The English-Limited Job Search

It’s hard to find jobs that don’t require German.

How to fix it:

Find opportunities in the hidden job market by networking. Use Project 100 and the 3-Circle Connection Framework.

⚫️ Problem 2: The Application Black Hole

You submit applications, but barely get any response.

How to fix it:

  1. Get employers to at least look at your applications by getting referrals, also through networking.
  2. Learn to write a cover letter that stands out and is easy to personalize and customize.

🤼‍♀️ Problem 3: The Dual Competition Struggle

You’re competing not only with many applicants vying for the same position, but especially with locals who speak German.

How to fix it:

Stand out and compensate for lack of German proficiency by developing a “Personal USP” (unique selling proposition).

Start by asking yourself, “What qualities make me a more appealing candidate than someone with similar qualifications who speaks German?”

Think strong interpersonal skills, ability to articulate ideas well, proactive problem solving, reliability, passion and enthusiasm…

🙇‍♀️ Problem 4: The Underqualifed Dilemma

You’re getting rejected because you lack skills and experience for the position.

How to fix it:

  1. Apply for positions where your current skills meet at least 70-80% of requirements. Use your cover letter to explain how you compensate for the gaps.
  2. Create a “Pre-Interview Project” to practice the skills and get the experience you need. Write about it on LinkedIn and link to it in your applications. Start by asking chatGPT, “I’m applying for [role you’re underqualified for] positions. What are 10 pre-interview project ideas to gain [specific skills]?”

🗣 Problem 5: Low Interview Success Rate

You’re securing interviews, but not converting them into job offers.

How to fix it: Practice. Text a friend and schedule a mock interview with them for tomorrow.

😥 Problem 6: The Confidence Erosion Cycle

You’re facing self-doubt and rejection, lowering your motivation and enthusiasm over time.

How to fix it:

  1. Job Search Mastermind: Text 2-3 friends who are also job-searching and form one. Sharing your feelings and experiences is the best way to manage self-doubt and maintain enthusiasm.
  2. Project 100: Focus on small, achievable goals, like reaching out to 20 people per week or 4 people per day, to maintain a sense of accomplishment and progress.

If your job search is not working, don’t just keep doing more of what’s not working.

Identify what’s holding you back, fix it, and get your job search back on track.

P.S. I’m looking to help 6 international people land their next job in 12 weeks. Book your free call and I'll help you fix one of these six problems https://genpropel.com/call