1 min read

Day 1: Why I'm Starting To Write Online

I signed up for Dickie Bush & Nicolas Cole's cohort-based course, Ship 30 for 30.

Here are a few reasons why:

First, writing is one of few activities where I actually enjoy doing the thing, and not just its benefits. I like figuring out what I think, wrestling with my thoughts, trying to say something new… And when once in a while, someone binge reads my blog, tells me something I wrote five years ago inspired them, and makes them feel something? Nothing compares.

Second, doing something myself feels so efficient. I don’t need to coordinate with anyone else! But it almost never works. How many projects have I tried alone, only to abandon it a few days later? Learning German, learning design, learning SQL… These are just a few examples.

Finally, almost everything I am proud of, I managed to achieve with a community, a coach, or both. One of my most powerful experiences with community was as a “mathlete”. I was the best in math in my school. But for 9 years, I couldn’t make it to the nationals. Finally, in my last year, I made friends with the best in maths from other schools. Within 1 year, I qualified not only for nationals, but also international competitions. I even learned trigonometry in one week (I was in math camp and I had to). That’s the power of community.

Over the next 30 days, I plan to write about job searching as an immigrant in Germany.

Join me on this adventure—and let me know if you have any questions along the way!

I'm excited to start sharing what I know online.